12 November 2018
LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, ESG

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12 November 2018
LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, ESG
Streetlights use a tremendous amount of a city’s energy; the operation of these lamps can sometimes represent up to 60% of a city’s entire energy bill. Furthermore, current streetlight models are not optimized to be as energy efficient as possible. For example, most streetlights operate only on binary “on, off” settings, on a fixed schedule. There is now way to dim the lights during twilight hours to conserve energy.
Utilizing Semtech’s LoRa® devices and wireless RF technology (LoRa Technology) in a smart lighting application allows for remote lighting control to automatically adjust the amount of time lights are active, minimizing energy costs without sacrificing public safety. Smart lighting solutions also reduce maintenance costs, and being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) means these utilities can connect with other applications for increased efficiencies. The interoperable nature of the LoRaWAN® protocol makes it easy to fit a smart lighting solution into a larger smart city network of applications which can monitor everything from traffic, air quality, and parking, to weather emergencies, and even gunshot detection.
Street lighting featuring Semtech’s LoRa Technology allows real-time analytics, sensing, reduced energy costs, and connectivity to the Cloud, all while continuing to keep citizens safe.
First, a LoRa-enabled sensor is embedded in a street lamp. These sensors have the ability to control the lamp’s functions. Each of the sensors connects the lamp to a LoRa-based gateway. Each gateway handles the messages and data from all nearby lamps. Other smart city solutions, such as LoRa-enabled parking sensors, can connect to the same gateway. Once a message is sent to the gateway, it is forwarded on to a network server where the data can be analyzed. The server controls lighting function remotely and can send maintenance alerts upon detection of a burnt-out bulb or other problems.
Better control of the light usage means lights are only on when they are needed. This reduces energy costs. Lights can be programmed to be “context-aware.” This means lamps can stay on longer, or brighter, or during large events or in busy neighborhoods, or as needs require. Data from sensors can provide insight to improve maintenance efficiency and effectiveness. Interoperability with other smart city solutions means data can be analyzed to further increase city safety. For example, data from traffic sensors can show which streets are more accident-prone. Lighting time and/or brightness can be increased in these streets.
To read more about how LoRa Technology is powering smart cities, download the white paper below:
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